
I look forward to developing methodological innovations to design studies targeted for different animals. For my Phd I estimated population of unmarked species photo-captured in motion-triggered camera-traps. List of publications from the thesis and other collaborative work is given in the Curriculum Vitae (CV). I am also an R enthusiast and have been teaching graduate and PhD students about the basics of R programming.

I am also a wildlife photography enthusiast and fond of capturing animals in their wild habitat. More details about this hobby can be found in the < href ="https://nilanjanchatterjee.github.io/photography/">photography section of the site.

I graduated from the Indian Statistical Institute with a MS in Statistics in 2013. After that, I joined a project on long-term monitoring of tigers and co-predators at Widllife Institute of India. Currently, I live in the city of Dehradun at the foothills of the Himalaya. In my free time I like to watch birds, travel to new places(specially in the mountains) and cook.
Dehradun foothills looks like this from above with a mosaic of Sal Shorea robusta forest and agricultural lands.

Dehradun from above

I am also a trained mountaineer and rock-climber. I have trekked and hiked almost all along the Himalaya. You can read some of my blogposts here.