Nilanjan Chatterjee
Hi, I am a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Institute. Previously I have worked as a Post-doctoral Associate at the University of Minnesota developing MOVEapps, a no-code platforms for movement data analysis . My research interest lies in understanding natural world better with statistical models. With my educational background of Statistics and working experience in ecology, I like to bridge the gap with interdisciplinary research. My research expertise encompasses a range of subject areas in ecology, including the development of methods for analyzing animal movement and population trend, bird community ecology focusing on phylogeny, traits, and environmental variables. My current research focuses on modelling species interactions with anthropogenic features, using species movement data. I want to pursue my future research in the interface of statistics and ecology for species conservation and management.
About Me
I look forward to developing methodological innovations to design studies targeted for different animals. For my Phd I estimated population of unmarked terrestrial mammal species photo-captured in motion-triggered camera-traps. I graduated from the Indian Statistical Institute with a MS in Statistics in 2013. After that, I joined a project on long-term monitoring of tigers and co-predators in Central-India Landscape at Wildlife Institute of India. I am also an R enthusiast and have been teaching Undergraduate and PhD students about the basics of R programming.
I am also a wildlife photography enthusiast and fond of capturing animals in their wild habitat. More details about this hobby can be found in the Portfolio section of the site.
In my spare time, you’ll find me travelling, hiking or climbing in the mountains, capturing the nature through my camera, watching birds, or cooking.