Species Cooccurrence

There are several exisitng ways to calculate the cooccuurence of species from sampling sites. Veech et al. 2014 came up with a R package “cooccur” to calculate the species cooccurrence and test the cooccurrence with several random distribution of species in those sites.

These cooccurrence package provides a vector but that is not enough to plot species cooccurrence network as those are lower triangular and lacks the diagonal element and non-significant species interactions.

## Attaching package: 'igraph'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     decompose, spectrum
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     union

Load your data

You need sites x species matrix to calculate the cooccurrence matrix

## [1] "C:/Users/HP/Documents/sp_cooc"
setwd("D:/Work/River bird")
try3 <-read.csv("ecos_2014_spr_aut.csv",header = T)
##                         X WCR PWR WW WBW GW BD CK WTK RL I BWT SF LF LC cK
## 1            Triveni ghat   0   0  0   2  0  0  1   1  1 0   0  0  0  1  2
## 2                  Ghat 1   0   0  0   1  0  0  0   1  1 0   0  0  0  1  0
## 3                  Ghat 2   0   0  0   1  0  0  1   0  0 0   0  0  0  1  1
## 4                Ramjhula   0   0  0   4  0  0  1   1  1 0   0  0  0  0  0
## 5  Phoolchatti main river   0   0  0   1  0  0  1   0  0 0   0  0  0  1  0
## 6 Phoolchatti side stream   0   0  0   1  0  1  3   1  0 0   0  0  1  1  3
##   CS sen Alt
## 1  0 spr 336
## 2  0 spr 344
## 3  0 spr 343
## 4  0 spr 346
## 5  0 spr 380
## 6  0 spr 360

Calculate species cooccurrence based on Veech et al. 2014

The dataset I loaded has both summer and autumn data, I am subsetting the data into two parts for easier understanding

try31 <-try3[1:40, 2:17]
try32 <-try3[41:80, 2:17]
cooc_sum <-cooccur(t(try31), spp_names = T)
## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced

## Warning in phyper(0:min_inc, min_inc, nsite - min_inc, max_inc): NaNs
## produced
cooc_aut <-cooccur(t(try32), spp_names = T)

Plotting the cooccurrence



Calculate species cooccurrence based on my methodology

The cluster sequences of the birds used to make two clusters in the plot, are obtained from Grade of Membership Model (Wild et al. 2019) Cooccurrence for summer season

cormat<-matrix(data = NA, nrow=16, ncol=16)
for(i in 1:16)
  for(j in 1:16)
network <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(cormat, weighted=T, mode="undirected", diag=F)

colrs <- c("gray50", "tomato")
clstr <-c("1","1","1","2","1","1","2","2","2","1","1","1","1","2","2","1")
my_color <- colrs[as.numeric(as.factor(clstr))]

Cooccurrence for autumn season

cormat1<-matrix(data = NA, nrow=16, ncol=16)
for(i in 1:16)
  for(j in 1:16)
network1 <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(cormat1, weighted=T, mode="undirected", diag=F)

Plotting the cooccurrence network for summer

plot(network,edge.arrow.size=.4,vertex.label=colnames(try31), vertex.color=my_color,
title(main="River bird co-occurrence network in summer", cex=2)
text(1.4,-0.6,"Cluster details",col="black", cex=2.5)
legend(0.2,-0.8,  legend=c("Lowland species","Highland species"), 
       col=colrs,  bty = "n", pch=20 , pt.cex = 5, cex = 1.8,

Plotting the cooccurrence network for autumn

plot(network1,edge.arrow.size=.4,vertex.label=colnames(try31), vertex.color=my_color,
title(main="River bird co-occurrence network in autumn", cex=2.5)
text(1.68,-0.66,"Cluster details",col="black", cex=2)
legend(0.9,-0.72,  legend=c("Lowland species","Highland species"), 
       col=colrs,  bty = "n", pch=20 , pt.cex = 5, cex = 1.8,